Friday, November 8, 2013

Be Praying!

Hey everyone! For those of you who know me personally, you know that my grandfather (we call him Papa) had a heart attack earlier this week. Being the stubborn man that he is, and being that it happened on my grandma's birthday, he tried to stay strong and avoid the hospital as long as possible. He ended up giving his heart six hours worth of damage, and today he will be going into surgery for a quadruple biopsy. 
The day of his heart attack, he was already back to his normal, goofy self and the doctors and our family are confident that he will pull through this just fine. The day of his heart attack he told us we better watch out after this as he had only been using 20-30 percent of his heart the last two years by the doctor's estimation.

My grandma, me, and my grandpa on my wedding day

Even though we know that God's will will be done in his surgery, your thoughts and prayers mean a lot.

♥Have a Blessed Day

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